codebreeze gmbh

Where a technology storm turns into a gentle breeze

TDD for infrastructure with ignite + firecracker

2020-10-01 4 min read martin
This is the last post in the series of posts about TDD for infrastructure. If you wanted to follow along I recommend first reading TDD for infrastructure with Vagrant and then TDD for infrastructure with footloose. In the previous post TDD for infrastructure with footloose I explored weaveworks' footloose to start containers that look like virtual machines. Continue reading

TDD for infrastructure with footloose

2020-09-01 6 min read martin
In the previous post TDD for infrastructure with Vagrant I explored Vagrant, VirtualBox and Chef Inspec for implementing a simple workflow for test driven development of infrastructure code. I showed that using virtual machines as target machines for testing is just not fast enough and probably hard to run in a build environment. Continue reading

TDD for infrastructure with Vagrant

2020-08-01 6 min read martin
Introduction For many years (almost decades) developers have been practicing test driven development and write tests to get confidence that their code works. However, with the rise of infrastructure as code where DevOps engineers try to describe infrastructure provisioning using code, this is something that is not observed generally. Continue reading